Vespers – Milagres Cathedral Kallianpur

Report by: Dale D’Souza
Photos by:

On the evening of January 21st, Milagres Cathedral, Kallianpur held a Vespers service emphasizing the importance of upholding God’s Word and nurturing Christian values. The service was well-attended by parishioners and members of the interfaith community, who gathered to venerate the Cathedral’s patron, the Mother of Miracles.

The celebration commenced with a solemn procession featuring the Cathedral’s ornamented statue of the Mother of Miracles, carried by candlelight through the church grounds. Following the procession, the Vespers service began.
Fr. Joy Andrade from Shikaripura, Shimoga, delivered the homily, emphasizing the sacredness of the Bible and its crucial role in strengthening Christian faith. Deacon Oswald Vaz proclaimed the Gospel during the service. 33 priests were present on the occasion as guests from deanary and around. The service concluded with a period of Eucharistic Adoration.

Following the Vespers service, parishioners and guests gathered outside the Cathedral to enjoy refreshments and exchange greetings. The festive atmosphere was enhanced by numerous stalls and food vendors.

ICYM and YCS, organized a variety of games and activities, including a wheel of fortune, car race, ping pong, fishing, and a highly anticipated housie-housie game, with attractive cash prizes awarded to the winners.

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