The Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, popularly known as Bethany Sisters, was founded in Mangalore on July 16, 1921 by the late Msgr Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas, with four members viz. Sr Martha, Sr Clare, Lourdes and Sr Gertrude to participate in the mission of the Church by responding to the prevailing needs of the times.
The Congregation was founded chiefly for the Catholic education of the rural poor, specially girls, teaching of Catechism in parish communities and schools, instruction of catechumens and neophytes, care of the children, the sick and the elderly. The Sisters are involved in pastoral, educational, social and medical apostolates according to the needs of the place. The Congregation started with 4 Sisters has at present 1383 members serving in 178 Convents all over India and Europe and Africa.
Like most of the Congregations, Bethany had a very simple beginning; however, it had noble ideals rooted in Indian philosophy, self reliance, dignity of labour, simplicity of life, education in the vernacular and vocationalisation of education, focus on primary education and adult education, development of villages for the progress of the country and emancipation of women were some the ideals that our Founder and the founding members upheld.
Name of the Convent : Maria Kripa Convent Kallianpur, Udupi
Year of Establishment: 07.03.2010
Pioneer Superior: Sr M Lucian BS
Pioneer Members: Sr M Carmelita BS, Sr M Hazel BS, Sr M Genevira BS
Ozanam home for the aged was started during the international year of the Aged and the Sick in 1982. It was started by St Vincent de Paul Society on 14th December 1982 on the land donated by two generous Quadros sisters of Kallianpur. Now it is a trust run by St Vincent de Paul Society, Udupi with the assistance of Bethany Sisters. Dr Gregory D’Sa was the previous trust manager and at present Mr Maxium DSouza is managing. At first it was looked after by the SRA Sisters and other two lay wardens.
Bethany made its presence visible on this soil on 16th January 1996 when Sr Christella was the Provincial Superior of Mangalore Province. The mission had a humble beginning with two sisters, namely, Sr Lucian and Sr Carmelita. They were warmly welcomed and accepted by the Director Dr Gregory D’Sa and committee members of Ozanam Home. They were entrusted with the responsibility for the internal management. From then on Bethany Sisters serve actively and participate in the mission of Christ through caring, serving and loving the elderly in the evening of their lives.
Sr Lucian, Sr Carmelita, Sr Aloysia, Sr Dominica, Sr Electa, Sr Fidelis and Sr Leena Bennis have rendered their dedicated service here. Their services are remembered and appreciated by the managing committee, inmates and also people of the locality. The membership grew in number and was sizable to be made into a community but there was no proper building to house the sisters and to meet their needs. It was a cherished dream of SVP to provide a new Convent building for the sisters who render their service to the inmates of Ozanam Home. It came into existence in the year 2010 and was canonically erected on 01.06.2011.
Sr Lucian served as the first superior. Thereafter Sr Carmelita, Sr M Hazel BS, Sr Genevira and Sr Bertina, Sr Benignus, Sr Clarita BS and at present Sr Syline Sequiera BS is the Superior. The Charism and spirit of Bethany is spelt out among the elderly through their service, such as caring the sick, offering moral support by praying with them and for them, preparing them to receive the sacraments such as Eucharist, confession, anointing of the sick, taking them to the hospitals, looking after kitchen management and maintenance of accounts. They are also involved in the parish activities like catechism classes, ward meetings, family visits etc. The sisters represent Bethany in the locality and are appreciated for their loving services by all.
Sr Syline Sequiera BS
Superior of Maria Kripa Convent